Why is Learning English Important?
English is one of the official languages of Singapore – it is also the language for international communication, media, and the internet. Not only is English important for you to communicate with locals effectively in Singapore, it is also important for socialising, consuming entertainment and working. Learning English is also extremely beneficial for adults who are non-native English speakers as it can help you communicate with others more effectively, find a better job, and travel to new places. Read on find out the many reasons why you should start learning English.
1. English is Spoken Worldwide
English is the official language of 53 countries in the world and is spoken by about 400 million people across the globe. It is also the most common second language in the world. Learning English can help you connect with people of different ethnicities/cultures by allowing everyone to communicate in a common language. By being able to communicate with people of different cultures and backgrounds, you will also open yourself up to a wealth of opportunities and knowledge. Not to mention, English can also help you to communicate with locals when you travel since you might not speak the native language of the country and English is the most common second language.
2. English is a Necessity for Business
Since it is one of the most spoken languages in the world, English is also the go-to language for conducting business. Most international companies or multinational companies require their employees to be able to communicate effectively in English, on top of their own native language, in order for them to enter the global workforce. This is because English is essential for cross-border communication, and can aid the company is targeting other English-speaking markets that are outside of their region.
Even if you are fluent in your native language, taking up English as your second language can make you incredibly valuable to your employers since you will be effectively bilingual. Bilinguals tend to have an advantage in the workplace since they are able to communicate with a wider network of people or potential clients. Naturally, employers will also prefer to send bilingual candidates for overseas opportunities since they are fluent in more than one language, which makes for an excellent representation of diverse company culture.
3. Access the Internet With No Barriers
The internet has become a basic necessity in our everyday lives, especially in the time of the pandemic, where remote working has become the new normal. By now, most people would have realised that English is the first language of the internet. If you are not well versed in English, you will not be able to fully utilise the wealth of knowledge that the internet has to offer, since 52% of the world’s most visited websites are displayed in English. Sure, Google Translate can assist you in translating web pages, but it cannot prevent information or the essence of articles from being lost in translation. By learning English, you will be able to access more than half of the content available online, which means more information and knowledge available to you at your fingertips.
Learn English Fast at School of Language International (SLI) Now
With the many perks of learning English, you might be thinking – how do I start? SLI has got you covered. With our myriad of English courses available for both adults and children in Singapore, you will find yourself mastering basic conversational English in no time. For busy corporate employees who do not have the time to attend lessons at our school, we also have online English lessons that you can attend from anywhere, even on the go!
Find out more about our English courses online now.
Basic English Course for Foreigners and Housewives at SLI Singapore